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Repower America

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Bio Butanol

New Efforts to Support the U.S. Biofuels Industry and Reduce Energy Dependance

President Barack Obama this week announced a series of steps his Administration is taking as part of its comprehensive strategy to enhance American energy independence while building a foundation for a new clean energy economy, and its promise of new industries and millions of jobs.

At a meeting with a bipartisan group of governors from around the [...]

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Alternative Liquid Fuels

Advanced biofuels are crucial to building a clean energy economy

U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu recently announced the investment of nearly $80 million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for advanced biofuels research and fueling infrastructure that will help support the development of a clean sustainable transportation sector. The selections announced today – two biofuels consortia for up to $78 million to [...]

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Alternative Liquid Fuels

Honeywell’s UOP and China National Petroleum Corp. to Collaborate on Biofuels Projects in China

Companies will evaluate Chinese feedstocks for the production of green diesel and green jet fuels, evaluate installation of units to produce renewable fuels and improve ethanol energy efficiency

UOP LLC, a Honeywell company, announced today that it signed a memorandum of understanding with China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) under which the two companies will collaborate on a [...]

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Alternative Liquid Fuels

New Process Produces Pure Biodiesel with no waste Streams

Yellow Diesel B.V. recently reported that they have succeeded in producing high-quality bio-diesel in a continuous fixed-bed micro plant based on heterogeneous catalysis. This process gives pure bio-diesel plus a cosmetics/food grade glycerol, with practically no waste streams. The bio-diesel specifications are better than required by the European norm EN14214. The Yellow Diesel process eliminates [...]

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Alternative Liquid Fuels

New Report finds that Global Biofuels Growth will Double by 2015

HOUSTON, Sept. 30 /PRNewswire/ — Despite a number of key issues such as land use and competition for feedstocks supplies for traditional food and feed uses, global use of biofuels is excepted to more than double from 2009 to 2015, according to a new global analysis released today by Hart’s Global Biofuels Center. Leading the [...]

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Alternative Liquid Fuels

Biodiesel from the Fermentation of Sugar Process under Development

BP and Martek Biosciences Corporation have signed a Joint Development Agreement  to work on the production of microbial oils for biofuels applications. The partnership combines a broad technology platform and operational capabilities to advance the development of a step-change technology for the conversion of sugars into biodiesel.

Under the terms of the multi-year agreement, Martek and [...]

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Alternative Liquid Fuels

Kinder Morgan Begins Biodiesel Shipments on Oregon Pipeline

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P. (NYSE:KMP) today announced it has started commercial transportation of blended 2 percent biodiesel (B2) through its 115-mile Oregon Pipeline that runs from Portland to Eugene. The company recently completed a successful test batch by moving B2 through the pipeline. Upon receipt of B2 at both its Portland and Eugene facilities, [...]

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Alternative Liquid Fuels

New Ford 6.7-liter Power Stroke V-8 Turbocharged Diesel -B20 Compatable


A company proclaimed “new era”  in Ford diesel technology arrives with the Ford-engineered, Ford-tested and Ford-manufactured 6.7-liter Power Stroke V-8 turbocharged diesel engine.

Debuting in the next-generation F-Series Super Duty truck, the new diesel engine will deliver significant improvements in torque, horsepower and fuel economy while adding more fueling flexibility and easily meeting stringent new [...]

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NH2 Fuel Cell Tractor from New Holland

Price of Addiction
to Foreign Oil

1st Manned Hydrogen Fuel Cell Airplane




Lexus LF-Ch Hybrid Concept


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Mercedes Concept Blue Electric Car

BlueZero extended

Mercedes Announces A Plugin


Honda’s New PCX Scooter

Honda PCX Scooter Tiawan

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